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17 AWG to 25 AWG Enameled Round Copper Wire
Date: Mar 15, 2023
Wire Type: Enameled Copper Wire
Diameter: 0.0190"- 0.0469"
Color: Red
Insulation: Solderable Polyurethane w/ Polyamide Overcoat
NEMA Specification: MW 80-C
Build: Single Min-Nom

What is the enameled copper wire?
Magnet wire is copper wire with a thin layer of insulation, and is used in a variety of applications including transformers, wound coils, motors, solenoids, and instruments. For the raw copper is drawn to meet specific size requirements based on the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) standards. The insulation is made from modified Polyurethane with a polyamide overcoat, and protects the coiled wire from short-circuiting.

If you are interested in the enamelled round copper wire, welcome to see LP Industry website.
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