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CTC Quotation From Brazil Customer
Date: May 23, 2024
Continuously transposed cable (CTC) wire is a specialized type of cable that utilizes a combination of conductive and insulating materials to achieve exceptional electrical and mechanical properties.
Cliente Especificagao TRAEL Ordem 1 Projeto Condutor TF-23056  
  Cobre (x) Aluminio ()
Number of conductors 27      
Conductor width 5,3 mm ic/2  
Conductor Thickness 1,8 mm    
Corner radius of curvature 0,65 mm > <  
Yield limit (0.2%) 150 N/mm? I  
Type of insulation Cordex     H
Insulation addition (ic) 0,45 mm    
Number of roles NA      
Type of base enamel PVF      
Type of cementitious enamel Epoxi     > < ip
Adding base enamel 0.12 mm    
Addition of cementitious enamel 0,05 mm -- - L
Separator paper type (ip) H/P      
Separator paper thickness 0.105 mm    
Minimum winding diameter 554 mm    
External dimensions Tolerance L= 11,60(*) mm H= mm H土 29,00(**) mm mm
L土 +/-0.15 +/-0.50
Number of bids Reel size (m) Reel Type Number of spools Number of separators
2 559,5-0/+1 As per manufacturer 2 0
Total (*) Dimensao Axial (L)= 1,01x2x(5,3+0,17 )+0,105+0,45= 11,6 mm (*) Dimensao Radial(H)= [1,04x(27+1)/2x( 1,8+0,17 )+0,0+0.45= 29.0mm
Total insulated 
2473 weight(kg) weight (kg) 
NA Elaborado: Rogerio Uto / Controlado/Aprovado: Fredy Aoyagui 
Observation CTC -23056 01 -BT- c6DIGO TRAEL: 363134 
Revisao 0 - Emissao Inicial- 17/12/2022 
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